Of course, being a corn fed Iowa boy, born and bred in the heart of the American wilderness, I simply HAD to post this story to our site.
It is a bit of a wild story about a legal window that opened and closed quickly, and it reads like an episode of "The Amazing Race." Check it out here.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
UU World Article on Transgender people
The latest copy of UU World has wonderful article entitled "Congregations Welcome Transgender People."
It discusses some of the subsets within the transgender community, and provides a few examples of how congregations have supported folks during their transformation.
It discusses some of the subsets within the transgender community, and provides a few examples of how congregations have supported folks during their transformation.
Friday, November 23, 2007
A Transgender Success Story
I ran across this Wikipedia article in my travels about Theresa Sparks, the president of the San Francisco Police Commission, a multimillioniare, and a transgender woman.
This article is offered in the spirit of helping our Interweave Chapter learn about the lives and stories of transgender people.
This article is offered in the spirit of helping our Interweave Chapter learn about the lives and stories of transgender people.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Accepting Gay Children
Dana wrote:
I saw an article about this woman in People Mag. It is a Christian woman who speaks about accepting your gay children. It may be something that would be good for people who need their Christian families to see, to have a change of heart.
I saw an article about this woman in People Mag. It is a Christian woman who speaks about accepting your gay children. It may be something that would be good for people who need their Christian families to see, to have a change of heart.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Transgender Resources
Dana Hoy just got this from the UUA Washington Office for Advocacy, and wanted to share it:
Dear Dana,
Some of you may have been following the battle over trans inclusion in the Employment Non Discrimination act (ENDA). Despite attempts by politicians and other groups to pass a non discrimination bill protecting bisexual, gay, lesbian people but not transgender, the UUA has remained firm amongst a coalition of many that we must include trans people in the work or not support it at all. To do so would go against not only our resolutions but our values.
What was more disheartening is that Barney Frank and others seemed to know the bill would not make it out of the Senate or be signed into legislation by the president. They felt they had to do so to get a victory.
We, at the UUA believe, victory comes from solidarity and doing the right thing. Despite efforts to get us to sign on, we have remained firm in our support for a trans inclusive ENDA. Some of the folks from HRC are asking us to not be divisive amongst ourselves to see the political necessity.
We must remember that while they are politicians, we are people of faith. People of faith who support full inclusion, justice, equity, and compassion. People who believe in an inherent worth and dignity of all people.
It is interesting that this fight comes at a time when we have created a web resource for the National Transgender Day of Remembrance, which is November 20th. There is basic information, a reading and roll call honoring those who have died, plus links to the National Transgender Day of Remembrance site, information about ENDA, and our new up to date more inclusive and more informative basic information on trans issues (which will replace Transgender 102 that has been on our website for a while).
The link to the page is below.
< http://www.uua.org/leaders/leaderslibrary/leaderslibrary/56991.shtml >
We encourage you in your congregations to continue to educate and advocate for justice for all people.
In faith,
Rev. Keith Kron, Director OBGLTC
Simona Munson, Admjnistrator, IDBM and OBGLTC
Grace Garner, Legislative Assistant for Women's Issues UUWF Clara Barton Intern, Washington Office
Dear Dana,
Some of you may have been following the battle over trans inclusion in the Employment Non Discrimination act (ENDA). Despite attempts by politicians and other groups to pass a non discrimination bill protecting bisexual, gay, lesbian people but not transgender, the UUA has remained firm amongst a coalition of many that we must include trans people in the work or not support it at all. To do so would go against not only our resolutions but our values.
What was more disheartening is that Barney Frank and others seemed to know the bill would not make it out of the Senate or be signed into legislation by the president. They felt they had to do so to get a victory.
We, at the UUA believe, victory comes from solidarity and doing the right thing. Despite efforts to get us to sign on, we have remained firm in our support for a trans inclusive ENDA. Some of the folks from HRC are asking us to not be divisive amongst ourselves to see the political necessity.
We must remember that while they are politicians, we are people of faith. People of faith who support full inclusion, justice, equity, and compassion. People who believe in an inherent worth and dignity of all people.
It is interesting that this fight comes at a time when we have created a web resource for the National Transgender Day of Remembrance, which is November 20th. There is basic information, a reading and roll call honoring those who have died, plus links to the National Transgender Day of Remembrance site, information about ENDA, and our new up to date more inclusive and more informative basic information on trans issues (which will replace Transgender 102 that has been on our website for a while).
The link to the page is below.
< http://www.uua.org/leaders/leaderslibrary/leaderslibrary/56991.shtml >
We encourage you in your congregations to continue to educate and advocate for justice for all people.
In faith,
Rev. Keith Kron, Director OBGLTC
Simona Munson, Admjnistrator, IDBM and OBGLTC
Grace Garner, Legislative Assistant for Women's Issues UUWF Clara Barton Intern, Washington Office
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Employment Non-Discrimination Act
It is currently legal in 31 states (under state law) to fire an employee based on sexual orientation; it is legal in 39 states to fire an employee based on gender identity. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), H.R. 2015, would extend fair employment practices under federal law to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. It is based
on the principle that every worker should be judged on merit and job performance, not identity.
HR 2015 prohibits discrimination based on real or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity in most workplaces. It does not apply to small businesses, most religious organizations, or the military, and does not require employers to provide benefits to same-sex partners.
The 2007 UUA General Assembly passed a statement calling "upon all member congregations and individual Unitarian Universalists" to "support passage of employment non-discrimination legislation at all municipal, county and state levels;" and "oppose attempts to remove sexual
orientation and/or gender identity any proposed employment non-discrimination legislation."
Unfortunately, a version of ENDA which does NOT include gender identity--H.R. 3685- was expected to come up for a vote in the House on Wednesday, October 24th. Based on the 2007 General Assembly resolution, and the opposition of more than 300 groups from the bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgender community, the UUA opposes the non-inclusive ENDA. We must stand together in support of an all-inclusive ENDA.
Representative Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) plans to introduce an amendment which would restore the original gender identity protections. The UUA strongly supports this amendment. If it fails, the Association will oppose the overall bill. Individuals and congregations are encouraged to do the same. Take action! Show your support for the entire BGLT community and call for an inclusive ENDA!
Print a call-in flyer to distribute to your church:
Send an email to your representative:
Visit our take action page for other options:
Your call or email to your representative could be the difference in a
yes or no vote for transgender inclusion. Please take the time for one
last final push to add transgender inclusion to the H.R. 3685 bill. Your
support and dedication to this issue does not go unheard.
If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me.
Grace Garner
Legislative Assistant for Women's Issues
UUWF Clara Barton Internship
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
Washington Office for Advocacy
1320 18th Street NW, Suite 300B
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 296-4672
(202) 296-4673 fax
on the principle that every worker should be judged on merit and job performance, not identity.
HR 2015 prohibits discrimination based on real or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity in most workplaces. It does not apply to small businesses, most religious organizations, or the military, and does not require employers to provide benefits to same-sex partners.
The 2007 UUA General Assembly passed a statement calling "upon all member congregations and individual Unitarian Universalists" to "support passage of employment non-discrimination legislation at all municipal, county and state levels;" and "oppose attempts to remove sexual
orientation and/or gender identity any proposed employment non-discrimination legislation."
Unfortunately, a version of ENDA which does NOT include gender identity--H.R. 3685- was expected to come up for a vote in the House on Wednesday, October 24th. Based on the 2007 General Assembly resolution, and the opposition of more than 300 groups from the bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgender community, the UUA opposes the non-inclusive ENDA. We must stand together in support of an all-inclusive ENDA.
Representative Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) plans to introduce an amendment which would restore the original gender identity protections. The UUA strongly supports this amendment. If it fails, the Association will oppose the overall bill. Individuals and congregations are encouraged to do the same. Take action! Show your support for the entire BGLT community and call for an inclusive ENDA!
Print a call-in flyer to distribute to your church:
Send an email to your representative:
Visit our take action page for other options:
Your call or email to your representative could be the difference in a
yes or no vote for transgender inclusion. Please take the time for one
last final push to add transgender inclusion to the H.R. 3685 bill. Your
support and dedication to this issue does not go unheard.
If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me.
Grace Garner
Legislative Assistant for Women's Issues
UUWF Clara Barton Internship
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
Washington Office for Advocacy
1320 18th Street NW, Suite 300B
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 296-4672
(202) 296-4673 fax
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Walk the Freedom Trail for LGBT Equality
The Greater Boston PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) is sponsoring a fundraising walk of the Freedom Trail on October 28, 2007.
The walk will begin between 10:00am and 1:00pm with check-in at the Visitor’s Center on Boston Common. We will wind our way through all 16 sites that make up the Freedom Trail. Our walk will double back and finish up at the USS Constitution at the Charlestown Navy Yard where walkers will be provided sandwiches, snacks and drink while being entertained by the Freedom Trail band.
Walkers can then tour the USS Constitution and/or the destroyer USS Cassin Young and the USS Constitution museum, all for no charge. Following the tours, walkers can take a scenic boat ride back across Boston Harbor to the Aquarium.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Dana Hoy, who will be going on the walk, and she will advise you further.
The walk will begin between 10:00am and 1:00pm with check-in at the Visitor’s Center on Boston Common. We will wind our way through all 16 sites that make up the Freedom Trail. Our walk will double back and finish up at the USS Constitution at the Charlestown Navy Yard where walkers will be provided sandwiches, snacks and drink while being entertained by the Freedom Trail band.
Walkers can then tour the USS Constitution and/or the destroyer USS Cassin Young and the USS Constitution museum, all for no charge. Following the tours, walkers can take a scenic boat ride back across Boston Harbor to the Aquarium.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Dana Hoy, who will be going on the walk, and she will advise you further.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
A Special Event at the First Parish UU in Canton

A Celebration of Love in Song:
Jason and DeMarco Live!
Sunday, November 18 at 7pm
At First Parish Unitarian Universalist
1508 Washington Street, Canton, MA
Tickets $20
All Proceeds go to the Religious Coalition for the Freedom to Marry
Tickets available online here, or mail checks, payable to RCFM,
(with your name, address, & phone) to:
Religious Coalition for the Freedom to Marry
11 Beacon Street, Suite 1125
Boston, MA 02108
Pick up Your Tickets at the Door
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
A Recent Feature Story in the Globe Magazine
A number of our congregation have read the following story, featured in a recent edition of the Globe Sunday Magazine entitled “A Family Doctor's Journey From Man to Woman”
This is a very well written and balanced story, showing us the trials that this very brave person took on her road to wholeness. The story includes a two part video, something you wouldn’t get in the print edition.
This is a very well written and balanced story, showing us the trials that this very brave person took on her road to wholeness. The story includes a two part video, something you wouldn’t get in the print edition.
Two Movie Reviews
I wanted to pass along two movies that my wife Bobbi and I have watched that deal with transgender issues, and are very poignant and moving.
The first movie you probably haven’t seen. It is called “Normal”. Based on Jane Anderson's play "Looking For Normal," this deeply moving drama tells the story of Roy (Tom Wilkinson), a small town Illinois man who makes a wild declaration after blacking out on his 25th wedding anniversary.
Stunning his wife Irma (Jessica Lange), his kids, and the entire community, Roy announces that he's convinced he's a woman trapped in a man's body, and plans on going through with a sex change. What follows is a poignant, heartbreaking, and ultimately uplifting, story of Roy's attempt to live a normal life in a society that is unable to come to terms with his revelation. Writer/director Jane Anderson's extraordinary film features unforgettable performances by Wilkinson and Lang.
It was especially touching for me because it was set deep in the Midwestern farm country, which is where I grew up. It’s especially tough for folks who come out where the rest of the community is so traditional and resistant to change.
The second movie, that many of you may already have seen, is “Transamerica”. Felicity Huffman plays Bree, a highly educated, conservative transsexual woman who passes as a G.G., living in a poor section of Los Angeles and working two jobs to save money for her final sexual reassignment surgery.
Her life takes an unexpected journey when she learns that when she was a he, she fathered a son, now a teenage runaway hustling on the streets of New York. When she receives a phone call from Toby, who's looking for his father, she realizes she must confront her past. She flies to New York to bail Toby out of jail and offers him a ride cross-country, secretly plotting to abandon him with the stepfather he ran away from.
I hope these movie recommendations are helpful, because they are two movies I really enjoyed.
The first movie you probably haven’t seen. It is called “Normal”. Based on Jane Anderson's play "Looking For Normal," this deeply moving drama tells the story of Roy (Tom Wilkinson), a small town Illinois man who makes a wild declaration after blacking out on his 25th wedding anniversary.
Stunning his wife Irma (Jessica Lange), his kids, and the entire community, Roy announces that he's convinced he's a woman trapped in a man's body, and plans on going through with a sex change. What follows is a poignant, heartbreaking, and ultimately uplifting, story of Roy's attempt to live a normal life in a society that is unable to come to terms with his revelation. Writer/director Jane Anderson's extraordinary film features unforgettable performances by Wilkinson and Lang.
It was especially touching for me because it was set deep in the Midwestern farm country, which is where I grew up. It’s especially tough for folks who come out where the rest of the community is so traditional and resistant to change.
The second movie, that many of you may already have seen, is “Transamerica”. Felicity Huffman plays Bree, a highly educated, conservative transsexual woman who passes as a G.G., living in a poor section of Los Angeles and working two jobs to save money for her final sexual reassignment surgery.
Her life takes an unexpected journey when she learns that when she was a he, she fathered a son, now a teenage runaway hustling on the streets of New York. When she receives a phone call from Toby, who's looking for his father, she realizes she must confront her past. She flies to New York to bail Toby out of jail and offers him a ride cross-country, secretly plotting to abandon him with the stepfather he ran away from.
I hope these movie recommendations are helpful, because they are two movies I really enjoyed.
Companies rated on policies towards gays
Thanks to Jake Jacobsen for passing this link along:
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Our First Interweave Event
Our first official event was to coordinate a piece of the 10th Annual RideFar HIV/AIDS benefit bicycle ride for AIDS resources. Thirty five riders and staff pedaled 100 miles a day for five days to raise money for AIDS organizations.
On Friday, September 7th the riders ended their third day at FUSF with a pot luck dinner and benefit concert sponsored by the Circle of Friends Coffeehouse. One hundred percent of the proceeds from that concert will go to AIDS related organizations.
A big thank you goes out to all of you who donated their time, food for the potluck supper and breakfast for the riders the morning after the concert, transportation, and housing for the riders. We couldn't have done it without you!
On Friday, September 7th the riders ended their third day at FUSF with a pot luck dinner and benefit concert sponsored by the Circle of Friends Coffeehouse. One hundred percent of the proceeds from that concert will go to AIDS related organizations.
A big thank you goes out to all of you who donated their time, food for the potluck supper and breakfast for the riders the morning after the concert, transportation, and housing for the riders. We couldn't have done it without you!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
FUSF Interweave Goals
- We support the UU LGBT community as a Welcoming Congregation and we work to make our congregation a vibrant place of spirituality, social justice, and community building for all.
- We assist and support LGBT individuals seeking education or membership into the FUSF congregation
- We participate in LGBT events to advocate for social justice and marriage equality
- We support the education of UU youth regarding LGBT issues and social tolerance
- We support friends and allies of the LGBT community
- We seek to reduce prejudice by increasing understanding and acceptance among people of different sexual orientations
- We actively work to end oppression based on sexual orientation and gender identity, recognizing that we will not be free until all oppression is a thing of the past
FUSF Interweave Values
- Our work is guided by the Unitarian Universalist seven principles
- We value and affirm the lives and experience of people of faith of all ages, races, ethnicities, income levels, sexual orientation, gender identity and abilities
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